Sabtu, 14 Juli 2018

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Commercial Vehicle GPS Tracking System - YouTube

A GPS tracking unit is a GPS device, usually carried by a moving vehicle or person, using a Global GPS Positioning System to track the movement of a device, at intervals, and to determine its location, and its operator. The recorded location data can be stored in the tracking unit, or it can be sent to a central location database, or an Internet-connected computer, using cellular (GPRS or SMS), radio, or satellite modem embedded in the unit. This allows the location of an asset to be displayed with either a real-time map background or when analyzing the path later, using GPS tracking software . Data tracking software is available for smart phones with GPS capabilities.

Video GPS tracking unit

Architecture of the GPS tracking unit

The GPS "track me" basically contains a GPS module that receives GPS signals and calculates the coordinates. For this logger data contains large memory for storing coordinates, additional pusher data contains GSM/GPRS modems to transmit this information to the central computer either via SMS or GPRS in the form of IP packets.

Maps GPS tracking unit


There are three types of GPS trackers, although most GPS-equipped phones can work in any of these modes depending on installed mobile apps:

Data recorder

The GPS logger records the device's position periodically in its internal memory. The GPS logger may have a memory card slot, or an internal flash memory card and a USB port. Some act as USB flash drives, which allows downloading log track data for further analysis on the computer. List of songs or a list of point of interest may be present in GPX, KML, NMEA or other formats.

Most digital cameras save time taking photos. As long as the camera clock is accurate enough or use GPS as its time source, this time can be correlated with GPS log data, to provide an accurate location. This can be added to the Exif metadata in the image file. A camera with a built-in GPS receiver can produce geotagged photos.

In some cases private investigations, logging data is used to track the target vehicle. PI does not need to follow the target very closely, and always have a backup data source.

Data referrer

Data pusher is the most common type of GPS tracking unit, used for asset tracking, personal tracking, and vehicle tracking systems.

Also known as a GPS flare, this type of device pushes (eg "sends") the position of the device as well as other information such as speed or altitude at regular intervals, to the specified server, which can store and directly analyze the data.

GPS navigation devices and mobile phones are placed side by side in the same box, powered by the same battery. Periodically, the phone sends a text message via SMS or GPRS, which contains data from the GPS receiver. Newer integrated GPS smartphones running GPS tracking software can turn your phone into a data booster (or logger) device. In 2009, open source and proprietary applications are available for Java ME, iPhone, Android, Windows Mobile and Symbian phones.

21st century GPS trackers provide "push" data technology, enabling advanced GPS tracking in business environments, particularly organizations that employ mobile workforce, such as commercial fleets. The typical GPS tracking system used in commercial fleet management has two core parts: location hardware (or tracking device) and tracking software. This combination is often referred to as the Automatic Vehicle Location system. Tracking devices most often installed in hard vehicles, connected to CAN-bus, Ignition system switch, battery. This allows the collection of additional data, which is then transferred to a GPS tracking server, where it is available for viewing, in most cases via internet-accessed websites, where fleet activity can be viewed directly or historically using digital maps and reports.

GPS tracking systems used in commercial fleets are often configured to transmit location and telemetry input data at the specified update level or when events (open/close doors, on/off enhancements, cross-border geofence) trigger units to transmit data. Direct GPS tracking used in commercial fleets, generally refers to systems that are updated regularly at intervals of one minute, two minutes or five minutes, while the ignition status is on. Some tracking systems incorporate timely updates with title changes triggered by the update.

GPS tracking solutions such as Telematics 2.0, IoT-based telematics technology for the automotive industry, are used in major commercial car insurance.

Such a tracking app includes:

Personal GPS

  • Law enforcement. A suspect arrested on bail may have to use a GPS tracker, usually an ankle monitor, as a condition of collateral. GPS tracking can also be reserved for people subject to arrest warrant.
  • Race control. In some sports, such as glide, participants are required to carry a tracker. In particular this allows race officials to see if participants are cheating, take unexpected shortcuts, and how far away they are. This use is illustrated in the movie Rat Race .
  • Espionage/supervision. Trackers on a person or vehicle allow movement to be tracked. This application is used by private investigators.
  • This device is also used by some parents to keep track of their children. Some devices can send text notifications to parents for any unexpected places visited by a child.
  • Vehicle tracking. Some people use GPS Trackers to monitor their own vehicle activity, especially if there are vehicles used by friends or family members.
  • Personal GPS tracking devices are used in elderly and vulnerable care. The device allows the user to call help and optionally permit the designated sitter to locate the user's position, usually within 5 to 10 meters. Its use helps promote independent living and social inclusion for parents. Devices often incorporate 1-way or 2-way voice communications. Some devices also allow the user to dial multiple phone numbers using the programmed speed dial button. Trials using a personal GPS tracking device are also being conducted in some countries for use with early-stage dementia sufferers.
  • Some Internet Web 2.0 pioneers have created their own personal web pages that show their position constantly, and in real-time, on the map on their website. It typically uses push data from a GPS-enabled phone or a personal GPS tracker.
  • Sports: the movements of a traveler, cyclist, etc., can be tracked. Statistics such as instant and average speeds, and mileage, are recorded.
  • Adventure sports: GPS tracking devices like SPOT Satellite Messenger are available that allow a person's position to be tracked. In particular this allows rescue personnel to search for operators. This device allows the operator to send messages, even when out of reach of a mobile phone.
  • Monitor employees. Tracking devices handled by GPS with internal phones are used to monitor employees by various companies, especially those involved in fieldwork.

Asset tracking

  • Solar Power. The advantage of some solar powered units is that they have more power over their lifetime than battery-powered units. This gives them the advantage to report their positions and status much more often than battery units that need to conserve their energy to prolong their life. Some wireless solar powered units, such as RailRider can report more than 20,000 times per year and work seamlessly on solar power, so there is no need to replace the battery.
  • Battery powered. Asset tracking devices often conserve battery power by reporting in less frequent frequencies than the vehicle supports.
  • Control animals. When wearing wild animals (eg on collars), it allows scientists to study the activities and patterns of migration. The vaginal implant transmitter marks the location where the pregnant female gives birth. An animal tracking collar can also be placed on domestic animals, to find them if they get lost.

Aircraft tracker

Aircraft can be tracked either by ADS-B (especially Aircraft and General Aviation aircraft with ADS-B-out enabled transponders), or by FLARM data packets retrieved by the earth station network (mainly used by General Aviation aircraft, UAV), both of which are data managers. ADS-B will be replaced by ADS-C, data retrieval.

Data puller

GPS data puller also known as GPS transponder . Unlike data triggers that periodically send device positions (push technology), this device is always on, and can be asked as often as needed (pull technology). This technology is not widely used, but examples of such devices are computers connected to the Internet and running gpsd.

This can often be used in cases where the location of the tracker only needs to be known occasionally eg placed on properties that may be stolen, or that have no constant energy source to send data on a regular basis, such as freights or containers.

Withdrawal Data comes into more general use in the form of devices that contain GPS receivers and mobile phones that, when sending a special SMS message reply to a message with their location.

Covert GPS tracker

The covert GPS tracker contains the same electronics as an ordinary GPS tracker but is built in such a way that it looks like an everyday object. One used for secret GPS trackers is for the protection of electrical appliances, these devices can be hidden in electrical appliance boxes and traced in case of theft.

GPS Vehicle OBD Tracker

OBD GPS tracker plug into onboard diagnostic port (OBD) from light or medium duty vehicle. Typically, the OBD GPS tracker draws power from the OBD port itself and contains a built-in antenna along with a GPS module to receive GPS signals. In addition, OBD trackers communicate with different vehicle subsystems to receive vehicle diagnostic data and related data on fuel consumption. Mobile OBD GPS trackers directly communicate with cell towers to send location and other vehicle performance data to the server via mobile wireless network. Users can view information using a standalone software or web browser from a desktop/laptop computer or use a smartphone application. Comparative discussion on OBD GPS tracker and general GPS tracker can be found here.

Ultimate Guide to the Best Car Tracker

United States Act

In the United States, the use of GPS tracking by government authorities is limited by the Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution, so the police, for example, usually require search warrants in most circumstances. While police have placed GPS trackers in vehicles without warrants, this use was questioned in court in early 2009.

Usage by citizens is organized in some states, such as California, where California's Legal Penalty Section 637.7 states:
(A) No person or entity in this state shall use electronic tracking devices to determine the location or movement of any person (b) This section shall not apply when the registered, lower, or lessee owner of the vehicle has approved the use of electronic tracking devices in respect of the vehicle. (c) This section does not apply to the lawful use of electronic tracking devices by law enforcement agencies (d) As used in this section, "electronic tracking device" means any device attached to a vehicle or other moving object that reveals its location or movement by the transmission of an electronic signal.
(E) The violation of this section is a violation.
(f) Any breach of this section by any person, business, firm, company, association, partnership or company licensed under the 3rd Division (beginning with Section 5000) of the Business Code and Profession is the basis for the revocation of the permit issued to that person, the business , company, company, association, partnership, or company, in accordance with the provisions governing the revocation of licenses as set forth in Division 3 (starting with Section 5000) of the Business Code and Profession.

Note that 637.7 is related to all electronic tracking devices, and does not distinguish between those that depend on GPS technology or not. As the law pursue the time, it makes sense that all 50 states would ultimately enact laws similar to California law.

Other laws, such as breaches of general law against privacy violations and state criminal wiretapping laws (eg, the strictly Commonwealth of Massachusetts wiretapping law) potentially include the use of GPS tracking devices by citizens without the consent of the person tracked so. Privacy can also be a problem when people use a device to track the activity of a loved one. GPS tracking devices have also been placed on religious statues to track the whereabouts of statues if stolen.

In 2009, a debate broke about Georgia's proposal to ban hidden GPS tracking, with the exception of law enforcement officers but not for private investigators. See Georgia HB 16 - Electronic tracking device; location of people without consent (2009).

Passive GPS Tracking Archives - GPS Tracking Review

Great Britain

Laws in the UK do not specifically address the use of GPS trackers, but some laws may affect the use of this technology as a reconnaissance tool.

Data Protection Act 1998

It is quite clear that if a client's instruction (written or digitally transmitted) identifies a person and a vehicle combined with the tracker, the information collected by the tracker becomes personal data as defined by the Data Protection Act of 1998. Document "What is personal data? quick reference "published by the Office of the Information Commission (ICO) explains that the data identifying living individuals is personal data. If the living individual can be identified from the data, with or without additional information that may be available, is personal data.


An individual is identified if it is distinguished from other group members. In many cases, individual names along with some other information will be sufficient to identify them; but someone can be identified even if his name is unknown. Start by looking at the ways available to identify an individual and the extent to which they are available to you.

Does the data 'relate to' an identifiable individual, whether in personal or family life, business or profession?

Associated with 'means: Data that identifies an individual, even without a related name, may be personal data processed to study or record something about that individual, or the processing of information affecting the individual. Therefore, the data may be 'related to' individuals in several different ways.

Are the data 'clear on' certain individuals?

The 'clear' data about an individual will include his medical history, criminal records, record of his work, or his achievements in sports activities. Unclear data about certain individuals may include information about their activities. Data such as personal bank statements or detailed phone bills are personal data about the individual who operates the account or contract for the telephone service. If the data is not 'clear about' an identifiable individual, it may be useful to consider whether the data is being processed, or can be easily processed, to learn, record or decide something about an identifiable individual. Information may be personal data in which the objective, or incidental consequence, of processing, is that you are studying or recording something about an identifiable individual, or processing may affect an identifiable individual. The data from the Tracker will identify the individual or activity. Therefore personal data is in the sense of the Data Protection Act 1998.

Any individual who wishes to collect personal data must be registered with the Office of the Information Commission (ICO) and has a DPA number. It is a criminal offense to process data and does not have a DPA number.


Maybe it's a civil violation to spread the tracker to a car that is not your client's or for yourself. But in the OSC annual inspection, OSC Chief Superintendent Sir Christopher Rose stated "putting the arm into the wheel arches or under the frame of the vehicle is stiffening the concept of offense".

However, entering any private ground to deploy a tracker is clearly a violation of which is a civil suit.

Prevention Harassment Act 1997

Sometimes, societies misinterpret oversight, in all its forms, as stalking. Although there is no strict legal definition of 'stalking', there is no specific law to address this behavior. Rather, it is a term used to describe a particular type of harassment. Generally, it is used to describe the pattern of long-term continuous and repeated contact with, or attempts to contact, a specific victim.

The Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 created two new violations by stalking the new sections 2A and 4A into the 1997 PHA. The new offense which took effect on November 25, 2012, is not retrospective. Section 2A (3) of the 1997 PHA establishes an example of an act or omission which, in certain circumstances, is related to stalking. Examples are: following someone, watching or spying on them, or forcing contact with the victim in any way, including social media.

Such behavior limits the freedom of the victims, making them feel that they must always be careful. In many cases, the behavior may appear innocent (if considered in isolation), but when done repeatedly, so it can be counted as an act, it can cause alarm, harassment, or significant harm to the victim.

It should be noted that the examples given in section 2A (3) are not exhaustive lists but are indicative of the types of behaviors that can be displayed in violations that lurk.

Stalking and harassing others or others may include violations such as those below: Protection from the Harassment Act 1997; Violation Against Personal Act 1861; the Sexual Offenses Act 2003; and the Dangerous Communications Act of 1988.

Examples of the types of behaviors often associated with stalking include: direct communication; physical act; indirect contact through friends, colleagues, family or technology; or, another intrusion into the victim's privacy. It limits the freedom of the victim, making them feel that they must always be careful.

If the subject of investigation is aware of the tracking, then this can be considered as harassment according to the Prevention of Harassment Act 1997. There is a case at the Royal Courts of Justice where a private detective is sued under this action for the use of the tracker. In December 2011, Claims filed against Richmond Day & amp; Wilson Limited (First Defendant) and Bernard Matthews Limited (Second Defendant), a leading Turkish Provider in the UK.

The case relates to the discovery of a tracking device found in August 2011 on vehicles purportedly connected to the Hillside Animal Sanctuary.

Peraturan Investigatory Powers Act 2000

Property Disorder: The Home Office publishes a document entitled "Covert Supervision and Property Disorder, the Revised Code of Practice, In accordance with section 71 of the Powers 2000 Rules of Investigation Rule" recommended in Chapter 7, page 61;

In general for legitimate activity

7.1 Authorization under section 5 of the Act 1994 or Part III of the 1997 Act should be sought wherever members of intelligence services, police, police services, Serious Crimes and Organized Crime (SOCA), Scottish Crime and Drug Enforcement Bodies SCDEA), HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) or the Office of Fair Trading (OFT), or persons acting on their behalf, make an entry on, or interference with, property or with a wireless telegraph that would be otherwise unlawful.

7. 2 For the purposes of this chapter, "property interference" shall include entries on, or interference with, property or by wireless telegraph.

Example: Use of surveillance equipment to provide information about the location of the vehicle may involve some physical disturbance with the vehicle as well as subsequent directed surveillance activities. Such an operation may be authorized by a joint authorization to intervene in property (under Part III of the 1997 Act) and, where appropriate, directed supervision (under the 2000 Act). In this case, the need and proportionality of the property interference element of the authorization will need to be considered by the proper authorization officer separately with the need and proportionality to obtain personal information using the directed surveillance.

This may mean that placing a tracker in a vehicle without the owner's consent is illegal unless you get authorization from the Supervisory Commission under the RIPA 2000 law. Since community members can not obtain such authorization, it is a disturbance of illegal property.

Another interpretation is that it is illegal to do so IF you act under the instructions of a public authority and you are not authorized. The law does not mention property interference for others.

The second interpretation seems to be valid. There is currently no law in place with respect to the distribution of tracers in a criminal sense except RIPA 2000 and that RIPA 2000 ONLY applies to the bodies and persons mentioned therein.

Telematics Vehicle tracking system Global Positioning System GPS ...

Use in marketing

In August 2010, the Brazilian company Unilever made a promotion in which GPS trackers were placed in Omo detergent boxes. The team will then track consumers who buy detergent boxes to their homes where they will be rewarded for their purchase. The company also launched a website (in Portuguese) to show the approximate location of the winner's house.

Mini GPS Tracker TK110 Quad Band GSM/GPRS/GPS Vehicle Tracking ...

See also

GPS tracking unit GPS Navigation Systems GLONASS Tracking system ...


  • What is GPS Tracking? GPS Tracker & amp; Advantages

Manual gps tracker TK103B portable vehicle tracking system,remote ...

External links

  • Location and tracking in Curlie (based on DMOZ)
  • Fleet management and recovery solutions
  • The best low cost Indian GPS vehicle tracker
  • How to build a GPS car tracking system

Source of the article : Wikipedia
