Sabtu, 30 Juni 2018

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Manu Cornet â€

Emmanuel "Manu" Cornet (born January 21, 1981) is a French programmer, cartoonist, writer, and musician. Born in Paris, he studied at ÃÆ' â € ° cole alsacienne and at ÃÆ' â € ° cole normale supà © rieure. He is known for his book The Crab and the Lamb, edited by GeneviÃÆ'¨ve Jurgensen and translated into English by Adriana Hunter, and for his work, some of which were published in The New York Times, Der Spiegel, Mashable , Daring Fireball or Business Insider. His cartoon "Organizational Chart" was quoted by Satya Nadella on the first page of his "Hit Refresh" as one of the reasons he wanted to update the Microsoft culture. He has been working at Google since 2007.

Video Manu Cornet


Source of the article : Wikipedia
