Senin, 04 Juni 2018

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File sharing is the practice of distributing or providing access to digital media, such as computer programs, multimedia (audio, pictures and video), documents or electronic books. File sharing can be done in various ways. Common methods of storage, transmission, and deployment include manually sharing using removable media, centralized servers on computer networks, World Wide Web-based hyperlink documents, and use of distributed peer-to-peer networks.

Video File sharing


Share peer-to-peer files

Peer-to-peer file sharing is based on a peer-to-peer (P2P) application architecture. Files shared on other users' computers are indexed on the directory server. P2P technology is used by popular services like Napster, Spotify, and Infinit. The most popular protocol for sharing P2P is BitTorrent.

Sync and file sharing services

The synchronization service and cloud-based file sharing implements automatic file transfers by updating files from a dedicated share directory on each user's network device. Files placed in this folder are also usually accessible through websites and mobile apps, and can be easily shared with other users to view or collaborate. These services have become popular through consumer-oriented file hosting services like Dropbox and Google Drive.

rsync is a more traditional program released in 1996 that syncs files based on machines directly to the machine.

Data synchronization can generally use other approaches for sharing files, such as distributed file systems, version controls, or mirrors.

Maps File sharing


The file was first exchanged for removable media. Computers can access files remotely using the installation of filesystems, bulletin board systems (1978), Usenet (1979), and FTP servers (1985). Internet Relay Chat (1988) and Hotline (1997) allow users to communicate remotely via chat and to exchange files. The mp3 encoding, which was standardized in 1991 and substantially reduced the size of audio files, grew widely used in the late 1990s. In 1998, and Audiogalaxy were established, the Digital Millennium Copyright Act was unanimously passed, and the first mp3 player device was launched.

In June 1999, Napster was released as an unstructured central peer-to-peer system, requiring central servers for indexing and peer-to-peer discovery. It is generally credited as the first peer-to-peer file sharing system.

Gnutella, eDonkey2000, and Freenet were released in 2000, as and Napster face litigation. Gnutella, released in March, is the first decentralized file sharing network. In the gnutella network, all connecting software are considered equal, and therefore the network has no central point of failure. In July, Freenet was released and became the first anonymity network. In September, client software and eDonkey2000 server was released.

In 2001, Kazaa and Poisoned for the Mac were released. His FastTrack network is distributed, though unlike gnutella, it assigns more traffic to the 'supernodes' to improve routing efficiency. The network is proprietary and encrypted, and the Kazaa team makes substantial efforts to keep other clients like Morpheus from the FastTrack network.

In July 2001, Napster was sued by several record companies and lost in A & amp; M Records, Inc. v. Napster, Inc. In Napster's case, it has been decided that online service providers can not use secure ports while "transmitting" ports in the DMCA if they have network control with the server.

Shortly after the loss in court, Napster was closed to comply with a court order. This pushes users to other P2P applications and file sharing continues its growth. Audiogalaxy Satellite clients are growing in popularity, and LimeWire clients and BitTorrent protocols are released. Until its decline in 2004, Kazaa is the most popular file sharing program despite bundled malware and legal battles in the Netherlands, Australia and the United States. In 2002, the Tokyo District Court decided to close the Rogue Files, and the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) filed a lawsuit that effectively shut down Audiogalaxy.

From 2002 to 2003, a number of BitTorrent services were established, including, isoHunt, TorrentSpy, and The Pirate Bay. In 2002, the RIAA filed a lawsuit against Kazaa users. As a result of the lawsuits, many universities added file-sharing rules in their school administration code (although some students managed to avoid them during school hours). With eDonkey closure in 2005, eMule became the dominant client of the eDonkey network. In 2006, police raids down eDonkey Razorback2 servers and temporarily lowered The Pirate Bay.

"File Sharing Act launched by Chairman Towns in 2009, this action prohibits the use of applications that allow individuals to share federal information among each other.On the other hand, only special file sharing applications are available for federal computers" (United States.Congress.House). In 2009, the Pirate Bay trial ended in a guilty verdict for the main founders of the trackers. The decision was appealed, leading to a second guilty verdict in November 2010. In October 2010, Limewire was forced to close following a court order at Arista Records LLC v. Lime Group LLC but the gnutella network remains active through open source clients such as Frostwire and gtk-gnutella. In addition, multi-protocol file sharing software such as MLDonkey and Shareaza are adapted to support all major file sharing protocols, so users no longer have to install and configure multiple file sharing programs.

On January 19, 2012, the US Department of Justice closed the popular Megaupload domain (founded 2005). File sharing sites claim to have more than 50,000,000 people per day. Kim Dotcom (formerly Kim Schmitz) was arrested with three colleagues in New Zealand on January 20, 2012 and awaiting extradition. Cases involving the fall of the largest and most popular file sharing sites in the world are not well received, with the Anonymous hacker group downgrading some sites related to the takeover. In the days that followed, other file sharing sites began to stop the service; Fileonic blocked public downloads on January 22, with Fileserve following suit on 23 January.

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Public opinion for file sharing

In 2004 there were an estimated 70 million people participating in online file sharing. According to a CBS News poll in 2009, 58% of Americans who follow file sharing issues consider it "acceptable if someone has a music CD and shares it with friends and acquaintances"; with the age of 18 to 29 years this percentage reaches as much as 70%.

In its survey of file-sharing culture, Caraway (2012) noted that 74.4% of participants believe musicians should receive file sharing as a means of promotion and distribution.

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Economic impact

According to David Glenn, writing in The Chronicle of Higher Education, "Most economic studies have concluded that file sharing is detrimental to sales". A literature review by Professor Peter Tschmuck found 22 independent studies on the effects of sharing music files. "Of these 22 studies, 14 - roughly two-thirds - concluded that unauthorized downloads had 'negative or even very negative impact' on the sale of music recordings.One of the studies found no significant impact while the other five found a positive impact."

A study by economists Felix Oberholzer-Gee and Koleman Strumpf in 2004 concluded that the effect of file sharing music on sales "statistically indistinguishable from zero". This research is debated by other economists, notably Stan Liebowitz, who says Oberholzer-Gee and Strumpf have made some assumptions about the music industry "which is not true." In June 2010, Billboard reported that Oberholzer-Gee and Strumpf had "changed their minds", now found "no more than 20% of recent sales declines due to sharing". However, citing Nielsen SoundScan as their source, the co-authors state that illegal downloads do not prevent people from becoming genuine. "In many creative industries, monetary incentives play a diminished role in motivating authors to stay creative.The data on the supply of new works is consistent with the argument that file sharing does not dampen the authors and publishers.Since the advent of file sharing, music production, books, and the film has risen sharply. "Glenn Peoples of Billboard denied the underlying data, saying" SoundScan numbers for new releases in certain years represent new commercial titles, not necessarily new creative work. " The RIAA also replied that "new releases" and "new creative works" are two separate things. "[T] figures include a re-release, a new compilation of existing songs, and a digital-only catalog album version.SamScan also continues to increase the number of retailers (especially non-traditional retailers) in their samples over the years, better capturing the number of new releases brought to the market.What Oberholzer and Strumpf found was a better ability to track the release of new albums, not the bigger incentives to make them. "

A 2006 study prepared by Birgitte Andersen and Marion Frenz, published by Industry Canada, "can not find a direct link between P2P file sharing and CD purchases in Canada". The results of these surveys are similarly criticized by academics and subsequent reassessment of the same data by Dr. George R. Barker of the Australian National University came to the opposite conclusion. "In total, 75% of P2P downloaders answered that if P2P is unavailable they will buy either via paid sites (9%), only CDs (17%) or via CDs and paid sites (49%). Only 25% said they would not buy music if it was not available on P2P for free. "Barker concluded thus; "This clearly shows the availability of the P2P network reducing music demand from 75% of music downloaders that are very much at odds with Andersen and Frenz's widely publicized claims."

According to a 2017 paper "Estimating the level of movement of copyrighted content in the EU" by the European Commission, the illegal use of increased game sales, stated "The overall conclusion is that for the game, illegal online transactions lead to more legal transactions."

Market dominance

A paper in the journal Management Science found that file sharing reduced the likelihood of survival for low-ranking albums on the music charts and increased exposure to albums that ranked high on the music charts, enabling popular and famous artists to stay on music charts more often. This has a negative impact on new and lesser known artists while promoting the work of popular artists and celebrities.

Newer studies that tested pre-release files from music albums, using BitTorrent software, also found a positive impact for "established and popular artists, but not newer and smaller artists." According to Robert G. Hammond of North Carolina State University, an album that leaked one month earlier will see a slight increase in sales. "The increase in sales is relatively small compared to other factors found to affect sales of the album."

"File-sharing supporters generally argue that file sharing democratizes music consumption by 'leveling the playing field' for new artists associated with established/popular artists, by allowing artists to have their works heard by more audiences broad, reducing the profits held by established/popular artists in terms of promotion and other support. "My results show that what happens is the opposite, which is consistent with evidence on file sharing behavior."

Billboard warned that this study only looked at the pre-release period and not ongoing file sharing after the release date. "The problem in trusting piracy assisting sales is deciding where to draw the line between legal and illegal... Implied in research is the fact that both buyers and sellers are required to share pre-release files having a positive impact on album sales Without iTunes, Amazon and Best Buy, file-sharers will only be sharers files rather than buyers.If you're arguing 'file sharing should be legal' to its logical conclusion, today's retailers will be a file-sharing service tomorrow integrated with their cloud storage services. "


Many argue that file-sharing has forced entertainment content owners to make it more legally available through cost or on-demand advertising on the internet. In a 2011 report by Sandvine shows that Netflix traffic has surpassed Bittorrent.

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Copyright issues

File sharing creates copyright issues and has caused many lawsuits. In the United States, some of these lawsuits have even reached the Supreme Court. For example, in MGM v. Grokster , the Supreme Court ruled that P2P network creators could be held liable if their software was marketed as a tool for copyright infringement.

On the other hand, not all file sharing is illegal. Content in the public domain can be shared free of charge. Even works protected by copyright can be shared under certain conditions. For example, some artists, publishers, and record labels license the public for unlimited distribution of certain works, sometimes with conditions, and they advocate free content and file sharing as a promotional tool.

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See also

  • A passing response
  • Comparison of file sharing apps
  • Open Music Model
  • File sharing news sites
  • Privacy on file sharing networks
  • Torrent poisoning
  • Trade group attempts on file shares
  • Warez
  • File hosting service
  • The Church of Coptic Missionaries

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About File Sharing on iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch - Apple Support

Further reading

  • Levine, Robert. Free Ride: How the Internet Destroys Cultural Business and How Cultural Business Can Fight Back , Bodley Head, February 2011.
  • Ghosemajumder, Shuman. Advanced Peer-Based Technology Business Model . MIT Sloan School of Management, 2002
  • Silverthorne, Sean. Music Downloads: Pirates- or Customers? . Working Knowledge of Harvard Business School, 2004.
  • Ralf Steinmetz, Klaus Wehrle (Eds). Peer-to-Peer Systems and Applications. ISBN: 3-540-29192-X, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 3485, September 2005
  • Stephanos Androutsellis-Theotokis and Diomidis Spinellis. Survey on peer-to-peer content distribution technology. ACM Computing Surveys, 36 (4): 335-371, December 2004. doi: 10.1145/1041680.1041681.
  • Stefan Saroiu, P. Krishna Gummadi, and Steven D. Gribble. Peer-to-Peer File System Measurement Study. Technical Report # UW-CSE-01-06-02. Computer Science & amp; Technique. University of Washington. Seattle, WA, USA.
  • Selected Papers - Collection of academic papers.

Source of the article : Wikipedia
